The Opus Domus

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Los hijos de Dios
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Revestimientos Terapeuticos Un Baño Ritual
Constructor de Mentes
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Bienvenidos a nuestra serie pescadores de Hombres parte de 33 obras del artista Marcos J.Criollo
La Obra Maestra del Supremo Creador ( El Libre Albeldrío) EN CONSTRUCCIÓN!!!!
Optimistas la unica alternativa!!!!!!!!
Los engendros y sus engendradores no frankenstein tu cargaras con tus propias culpas !
La primogenitura


Caraca, 22 of December of the 2004

¡ example to follow: Jesse Chacón!

example of deep impact in the land and simultaneously in the celestial thing, to call of some way that kingdom of the thought, the study that has so much to do with the things of the heart, like with the mind and that all we can identify in that capacity, to be able authentic; that without I distinguish of races, color, creed, age, nor sort does us to all equal ones; rich, poor men, middle-class, Russians, Germans, English, Danish, Indian, black, Spanish, esquimales, Norwegian or Chinese and who nobody he can snatch to us; be that we live under a bridge or mounted in a ranchito of tin or cardboard! let us be in the absolute one solitude or in the center of a congregation.

That to be able exclusive of the men, entiéndase by men, women, children, old; the capacity by which He very same God it sent to His Son, so that there were not but doubts on the matter and on

more important gift of the humanity, the gift to consider, so simple, huge and magical act that has not existed and by that today the modern man enjoys his fruits; allowing him to identify the differences between living in the caves and a mansion, although does not live in any on the two!

gift of the consideration, is what it takes all to celebrate us these days, to the Buddhists to incline before his gojonzo, to Hindu to make lines of color in its face and to invoke to krishna; wonderful gift, the flattery that spilled in the universe us the human beings.

Sunday to 10:00 p.m. in Tribune of Change, program directed by Vladimir Villegas, which repeated to 4:00 A.M. and Monday to 9:00 p.m.; they would have to repeat exclusively indefinitely in one hour, so that throughout the months, anyone can time and time again, to review the importance of considering and of throwing to low the resabios; to study in detail the contents and way to respond, to identify each silence of minister Jesse Chacón and to interpret his it was worth for the progress of

human species; only way and act of true victory.

Victory of president Chávez, the best one of all its victories, to name to Mr. Jessi Chacón minister of Interior and Seguridad, stone angular on the parameters in which the Venezuelan, thinking about the fellow must be educated, recognizing itself or being placed in the shoes of that fellow. ¡Clear that it will not only reduce the crime, it can get to absolutely eliminate it! Keeping correct silence and respect at the opportune moment, exercising itself in the suggestions of Christ. Following unit answers that minister Chacón had, to the variety of topics that can glimpse between lines of the Program; a gentleness that must be enaltecida, analyzed, developed and put in practice, with all the investigation that deserves to short medium and long term for the humanity; actually and sufficiently predictable comprobablebrilliant for history of the Venezuelans and the world!

Considerations for the field of the investigation on the phenomena, was the answer to the fire of The Simón Tower Bolivar, for whom I still of partial way understood but not in depth; phenomenon that burned the content of two of its plates and that it identifies suitably the meaning of the esvástica, which, erroneously used the Nazis and a great number of people who still they ignore and they confuse its true meaning.

President, from China he will be able to admire the columns octagonales and square, centennial of many old populations of farmers, I do not have exact the name of the province, I believe that it is Quegnan Quentong. I have suspicions that badly the call theory of the chaos, theory that that says the fluttering of a butterfly can untie a hurricane to another end of the planet, is much more that a theory. I am in the search of being able to prove that it is a reality! someday, very acertadamente some archaeologists, have tried to settle down their meaning and to discover if their settlers have some rite related to the same ones... President, does not let pass through stop to visit and to ask the archaeologists for these columns, the meaning of them and the esvásticas that in them remain recorded inside some.

Me they interest in these to have to do, with the manifest power and its implications; perhaps to understand its processes, where they reside such. It is a passion to understand the human, divine and the his consistency, to obtain a way to be able to see the residence of God, without hoping simply to being a being in conditions of eteriedad, something happened in another place and happened, perhaps it was pondered, at the time of beginning the fire in ; an element explosive pyrotechnics, a link that conjugated and gave like result a chain of events that by pure scientific curiosity would be excellent to try to establish...

Only I identify the will of God, like pattern within the events and the expositions that they require of the purification, taken care of and consideration, with optimal contents of integrity that the Minister in this one Program showed, in exemplary conversation with Vladimir Villegas; without the cause that had not occurred, it is the contents that were present and his results, because I believe that here fénix is applied to that exposition of the bird, which, in essence all we are.

That Program would have to be burdened in format VHS and DVD, to be sold by the Channel of the State to those who we want to check one and again; it seemed to me excellent, the form and the precision of the values that minister Chacón showed, altogether, silencios like verbs properly expressed, that must settle down and be asked and program all a series of developments destined to study why and the its impact; supreme important it civilization and the very same jewel of the Revolution, because all we have those elements that with justice Minister and who without great difficulty, we can assimilate in personal discipline to our lives; they are the things that are but important that the money, but much valuable and that to end of accounts it is a gift, that all we have, but that we neglected doing to us of polluting whims, styles, derivatives of frustrations not suitably treated!

Now if, with more fullness I want to continue wishing themMerry Christmas and an Absolute Prosperous Year to all the members of the humanity, that it has exceeded reasons to congratulate themselves and to feel optimistic! Because in Venezuela, they pass things very important for all like species, members of the human sort; on that never the sufficient thing will be insisted... To be better in if same, with same himselfus it makes better! if it is by the fellow, because we can be seen in the fellow, then deserved it is.

The Cosmos, lla him to me God, between another one of its gifts has given two options us important to follow in the way, two only possibilities to regret to us: first before doing it and second after the fact. First definitively it produces much more happiness that second; another one third option, is disabled to exist in the third dimension, plane in which the human beings we understand that we lived and we are a real factIt is so actively and exhaustive destroyed, at any moment and place! that he is difficult to try to think it, I call to a this finite border in the infinite of the universe of thoughts, within which to us, the humans have occurred us by capacity; a point where the thought is disabled to be! and he is then eternal.

Marcos J. Criollo Cordero    Caracas 22 de Diciembre 2004

The Opus Domus

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Frances Opus Domus
Constructor of Minds
In order to see paintings and oils, like passed commentaries, it can make click in the following connection:
Welcome for our series fishing of Men it leaves from 33 works of the artist Marks J.Creole
Page Title Hypothesis numericas on the apocalypse
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Santo, Santo, Santo are Mr. God, the gentleman of the universe. That that was, that is and that it comes.

I also saw an angel who was standing in the sun, and cried out with voice hard and it said to all the birds that fly in the middle of the sky: "They come here, are reunited to the great supper of God, so that eat the meat of kings and the meats of military commandants and the meats of strong men and the meats of horses and of those that go seated on them, and the meats of all, of free as well as enslaved and small and great "

Revelations 19:17,18


Beam Click on the painting if you wish to see other paintings!

Author: Marks J. Creole Lamb
I title: "To the congregations"
Tecnica: Gold 24 carat and I swell on linen cloth
90 xs 110 cm
Date: 19 Feb 2005


I hope that it pleases my autoretrato long ago to them to the Biblical style that many we have not seen ourselves! for that they know me; but I will take advantage of the suggestive thing the impression to the same recommend to all well-known and strangers to them who check Book of Daniel in the Old Testament and is not let influence by the impact that was for Daniel its visions even certain point... You pregúntense How are possible? Why it is possible? and porqué all must put their sand grain not to misestimate the improbable thing! for the satisfaction of that great God that it sent to its Son, his first-born in order to save to us!


Photos of this servant for its memories...
Marks J.Creole Lamb

Good weather to really enjoy truth!the film of Alan Parker The Life of the David Gale by cinecanal or movie even recommendable City to see it five times to assimilate it to fullness without idiots complexes!


Doing clik on the presidential shield Venezuela you will be able to know other units of presidential art of the Bolivariana Republic deVenezuela among others topicos

Reason always has had my lady mother and father...when you want to really know somebody conocelo when this one feels in absolute confidence of if same and of its better power then conoceras that is the person... Happy day of the Mothers!

Author: Marks J. Creole Lamb
I title: "To congregations IX"
Tecnica: Gold 24 carat and I swell on linen cloth
Dimensions: 90 xs 110 cm
Date: 5 May 2005

Venezuelan celebrations Bolivarianas a mysterious cult one shows owners of a secret! Christian Domingo, Day of the Mother and the Donkeys! One is not surprised in the future a day of the chacales!

If you want to deepen in the text of strange mysterious celebrations you do click on this same text!

HTTP:// a connection to know other times where single you must do clik on the same one.

of authenticity.


Painting olèo on linen cloth 140 xs 110 cmts
Creole C
titled "the Thinker"

Publishing Director Marks J. Creole C.


Clear that it is truth if the universes exist parallels beyond which many are able to see. It is not deceived, between a the universe that hides the drawing or impression, without much single sense in appearances... Imprímalo and tries to watch within the drawing, can that discovers and it is also discovered also knowing itself far better!!!


Caracas, 25 of May of 2005

Like a h isopo... This impression this designed to clean its terminals nervous to retire telaarañas etc and to show the wonder to him that exists within you! but much recent that the bible it is in if same
a gospel in which to meditate!... It has been announcing for but of 12 years the very near coming of which ès...Of that I enter Jerusalen in an ass that requirio to its dicipulos with important instructions to his apostoles on the beast those who asked...Some attribute the fact to estetica pure Isaias? The prescription!!? on the beast Christ I appear for its triunfal entrance!!
I recommend to them that they leean Libro de Daniel on its visions, King Nabuconodosor
The dreams that tube Daniel in the old testament and are asked conciencudamente as it could be possible? and if also they enjoy the worse coincidences I am witness of single the shareible one in texts atravez of favorite his libreria!
Of course that without Christ.... A Donkey but a Beast! Because you accustom what it seems is not nor it is; what it seems! The answer this in intimo of we ourself and building
to apesar of the violent masters and with your children in its hand!
Jeopardizing each fiber of your being tiranicamente simply it resists or it gives your load a it his yoke is light like its then load and you found that its word is balsamo for espiritu and podras to resist it with the rest of the individuals and its loads... Really good it is to the soul to the body to espiritu!

Greeting for which they saw it, greetings stops those that will see it, greetings to those who have not managed to see it, do not stop and they will see it!!!

In Jesus Christ there are confuccion nor no maneuvers that confuse everything is clear everything is is transparent the mocking one is had I throw a cord to its measurement!


Marks J. Creole Lamb

Caracas, 25 of May of 2005

Like isopo... Bible This but much recent impression that the is in if same
to gospel... It you have been announcing for but of 12 years the very to near coming of
which ès...Of that I to enter Jerusalen in an ass that requirio to to their dicipulos
with important instructions to his apostoles on the beast and who
asked...Some attribute the fact to estetica pure Isaias? The prescription? on the beast Christ I to appear for its triunfal entrance!


We have a very special surprise to all the interested ones
in arqueologia findings of 1994 that hoped properly by being studied and with implications very interesting
for the humanity and mainly for the Japanese friends!. Do click in the photo and you entretengase with ours site where podra to find out interesting topicos!

Deserved congratulations, well meditated, satisfactory President Chávez: The Aló President of today 15 of March of 2005 until 2pm I had the opportunity to see it. Very pleasing the intervention of Creole Kathy, congratulations to his parents and relatives, I already congratulated myself!!

The individuality, the virginity, the system of chaste. One authenticates education that it exterminates phenomenon of the sect of Caín. They are important subjects that they have answers that to present all the interested ones.

The individuality is a phenomenon that has its birth since each human system is able of car to recognize itself in its appetites, their sensitivity, etc. etc.... All the nature is designed so that the individuality be the great event of the cosmos; greater and more important the fact primigenio of all the well-known realities and to know...


The chaste ones and develop it of the second lighting, the transition of the virgins, to the lighting of the first-born it develops of the second the great conflict?

All the facts therefore indicate it, the seconds usually are suspicious the importance of first. It is born therefore the discipline, the system, intrigues it for the second By fault of first? For other seconds because of the parents to have predilection by first. The equality feeling it only exists for the seconds, for which they are able to conceive the differences in the times and to be afraid that he it has not been first. And if it represses east aspect simply it will properly translate it or drain in third, perhaps like subconscious tendency in the rest of the humanity, in where it cannot hit jeopardizing its interests with the group traditionalistic and ingenuous. Important personages of this system, we analyze the perceptions of Caín, brother of Abel. From the optics of Caín it is impossible that another perception or reading of the reality exists... From its intense one frustrated individuality, soon assumed, has the great necessity to do justice to him and to whom he considers that like he the original injustice has been victimas of injustice ("consists in which the mother physically could not divide itself in two simultaneously to take care of the brother and him in their necessities, had to take care of soon one and the other, being he, the other") Therefore invented the injustice. Caín glided to assassinate to Abel, him to take control of all the attention of God (you will understand it naivete of the fact, for that reason God marks it in the forehead and it condemns it to vagar). With time Caín it learned to be confused with people (to merge) and through the centuries one has become an expert in tactics: to turn aside the attention, to concentrate the attention, to usurp thanks, virtues and talents; including techniques it stops until weakening the first-born. You know who Christ is the first-born of the Father? Satán also was an angel, was the angel in the morning, he had the same perception that Caín. All those that we are first-born we mainly want much to our brothers to the seconds, and mainly if he has passed away, mainly because he is our brother, because we know the love of our parents by him; and if it is a delicate mother we found out importance and the fragile thing that is a boy smaller than one, our hermanito. The best companion of an older brother, only able to understand it thus, if his brother second lacked indefinitely or passes away... With Caín it was born revolutions, with Caín the murder arose like behavior! The murder of Abel, a rock thrown on its head, while it dozed, makes me remember the case of the indigentes in Caracas, that threw a rock to them in the head while they slept (a private speculation), the injustice had sense thanks to Caín. It intrigues it and all their variants are a product of the perception of Caín throughout its existence. In many cases throughout the centuries thousands have been taken from you formulate and variants to eliminate the perception problem. The army got to be considered that it would be a solution to suppress that problem of the sensitivity of Caín, to know the discipline to learn to being and has to wait for its turn without making tantrums nor extravagances to be taken into account; to respect the privileges of the older brother (of the first-born) from Skies. Now many will be able to understand that Satán, the angel in the morning in fact is the brother second of the first-born, Jesuscristo its behavior has gotten to be so exaggerated, so deeply malignant that in skies absolute one has been considered its and total extermination! I being an expert first-born of the great love that the parents place to their second lightings, and brother older than understood the importance of the small one, its fragility and the important thing for the happiness of the generous ones and loving parents; I understand the special thing that they are the smaller children and all in general. One of my brothers minors, the main one, the second passed away more ago than 20 years against my will in an accident, to risk too much without the forecasts of the case to be related to people under indications that they predestined to them for the death, to accept a favor of a conductor ebrio. I believe that it is time since the root of the phenomenon is eliminated that really they have to do with the pregestation and in if same the gestation of the second lighting that they have to do as well with an important number of facts that until many they have nowadays not wanted to take frontally into account and that is its right to be in the individuality degrees in the sexuality that reaches the pair after the first lighting generating resistances that they suppose the organization.... The impact of its implementation before and in the process of gestation of the fetus. Solution that I dedicate to my passed away brother: Alexander Creole Ernesto Lamb. That it will correct disintegrating the accumulation of efectistas, irrespetuosos knowledge of the considered sect of Caín, its influence that acertadamente the President

it resists invoking to Jesúscristo, once it assumes all the details that mark them and define as members of this sect. In many cases the incapacity of the parents in deepening in the details and their effects between one and other individuals, the genetistas and a revision of how it has been developed or multiplied the species, prevails to establish the links that make possible the materialization of the facts by all well-known ones and that I will denominate like leading of the phenomenon described at moments where indeed second smaller brothers they are governing! To eliminate those elements that they make possible that this it exists like fact and the steps that they have to be related until with the long and short sighs of the mother or the father, until those thoughts you escaped that they produce the fled one and inconciencia, the fear of not thinking suitably at the deserved level of dignity jeopardizing and its perfect unfolding the future at certain moments, the fatigue or the projection of ideas between one and another one develops. An extremely meticulous binnacle it will contribute the elements that feed the constitution on the phenomenon making possible the desensamblaje of the system for always putting final to the conflict of the first-born with its brother second, etc. for the happiness of the human species.

Congratulations to all the creators of infantile Literature Waltz Disney and so many special ones people, cinematographic writers of all the times, producers George Lucas, Steven Spilberg, writers and producers of science fiction of all the times of all the nations...

Very guessed right the making operational Mateo 11:25 "In that time, responding Jesus said: You I praise, Father, Gentleman of the sky and the Earth, because you hid these things and you revealed the children ".

It is good for watching with thoroughness so that it is possible to be read the inconcientes objections for the conscience but it does not stop the soul, the Spirit Santo and Pedro Carreño corroborates it, eye, readings that the souls by principle do not want to be used for badly, are other subconscious planes with aseso to the reality conscious... Four creatures who know everything and very few know, Apocalypse 4:7

In order to finalize I will talk about Mr.. Fidel I castrate, is comprehensible who Fidel does not believe in God but the reconfortante does not know that is for my and many in the humanity to know with certainty that the angel Gabriel is the same one who spoke with Maria the mother of Christ and Mahoma the prophet; two nations with much antagonism but without any doubts on the contacts and the sagrada nature and I do not doubt any of the perceptions of those two nations.


Marks J. Creole Lamb

Director, Publisher of the Opus Domus the electronic newspaper of Venezuela for the world

God blesses them! With one week prosperous that multiplies all good the months as well to come!!! They do not forget Discovery Channel like a good option in the television, next to National Geographic, channel 8 in the afternoons with its programming of It lives TV, Bond TV, etc. I also recommend EWTN to them.

It does not forget the hearing...



We invited it to enjoy the drawing exposition of the Quino Argentinean. Remembering a some military geniuses.

This text and the one of the 23 of December were that monitorio the intelligence organizations when they accepted the invitation!

Caraca, 22 of December of the 2004

¡ example to follow: Jesse Chacón!

example of deep impact in the land and simultaneously in the celestial thing, to call of some way that kingdom of the thought, the study that has so much to do with the things of the heart, like with the mind and that all we can identify in that capacity, to be able authentic; that without I distinguish of races, color, creed, age, nor sort does us to all equal ones; rich, poor men, middle-class, Russians, Germans, English, Danish, Indian, black, Spanish, esquimales, Norwegian or Chinese and who nobody he can snatch to us; be that we live under a bridge or mounted in a ranchito of tin or cardboard! let us be in the absolute one solitude or in the center of a congregation.

That to be able exclusive of the men, entiéndase by men, women, children, old; the capacity by which He very same God it sent to His Son, so that there were not but doubts on the matter and on

more important gift of the humanity, the gift to consider, so simple, huge and magical act that has not existed and by that today the modern man enjoys his fruits; allowing him to identify the differences between living in the caves and a mansion, although does not live in any on the two!

gift of the consideration, is what it takes all to celebrate us these days, to the Buddhists to incline before his gojonzo, to Hindu to make lines of color in its face and to invoke to krishna; wonderful gift, the flattery that spilled in the universe us the human beings.

Sunday to 10:00 p.m. in Tribune of Change, program directed by Vladimir Villegas, which repeated to 4:00 A.M. and Monday to 9:00 p.m.; they would have to repeat exclusively indefinitely in one hour, so that throughout the months, anyone can time and time again, to review the importance of considering and of throwing to low the resabios; to study in detail the contents and way to respond, to identify each silence of minister Jesse Chacón and to interpret his it was worth for the progress of

human species; only way and act of true victory.

Victory of president Chávez, the best one of all its victories, to name to Mr. Jessi Chacón minister of Interior and Seguridad, stone angular on the parameters in which the Venezuelan, thinking about the fellow must be educated, recognizing itself or being placed in the shoes of that fellow. ¡Clear that it will not only reduce the crime, it can get to absolutely eliminate it! Keeping correct silence and respect at the opportune moment, exercising itself in the suggestions of Christ. Following unit answers that minister Chacón had, to the variety of topics that can glimpse between lines of the Program; a gentleness that must be enaltecida, analyzed, developed and put in practice, with all the investigation that deserves to short medium and long term for the humanity; actually and sufficiently predictable comprobablebrilliant for history of the Venezuelans and the world!

Considerations for the field of the investigation on the phenomena, was the answer to the fire of The Simón Tower Bolivar, for whom I still of partial way understood but not in depth; phenomenon that burned the content of two of its plates and that it identifies suitably the meaning of the esvástica, which, erroneously used the Nazis and a great number of people who still they ignore and they confuse its true meaning.

President, from China he will be able to admire the columns octagonales and square, centennial of many old populations of farmers, I do not have exact the name of the province, I believe that it is Quegnan Quentong. I have suspicions that badly the call theory of the chaos, theory that that says the fluttering of a butterfly can untie a hurricane to another end of the planet, is much more that a theoryI am in the search of being able to prove that it is a reality! someday, very acertadamente some archaeologists, have tried to settle down their meaning and to discover if their settlers have some rite related to the same ones... President, does not let pass through stop to visit and to ask the archaeologists for these columns, the meaning of them and the esvásticas that in them remain recorded inside some.

Me they interest in these to have to do, with the manifest power and its implications; perhaps to understand its processes, where they reside such. It is a passion to understand the human, divine and the his consistency, to obtain a way to be able to see the residence of God, without hoping simply to being a being in conditions of eteriedad, something happened in another place and happened, perhaps it was pondered, at the time of beginning the fire in ; an element explosive pyrotechnics, a link that conjugated and gave like result a chain of events that by pure scientific curiosity would be excellent to try to establish...

Only I identify the will of God, like pattern within the events and the expositions that they require of the purification, taken care of and consideration, with optimal contents of integrity that the Minister in this one Program showed, in exemplary conversation with Vladimir Villegas; without the cause that had not occurred, it is the contents that were present and his results, because I believe that here fénix is applied to that exposition of the bird, which, in essence all we are.

That Program would have to be burdened in format VHS and DVD, to be sold by the Channel of the State to those who we want to check one and again; it seemed to me excellent, the form and the precision of the values that minister Chacón showed, altogether, silencios like verbs properly expressed, that must settle down and be asked and program all a series of developments destined to study why and the its impact; supreme important it civilization and the very same jewel of the Revolution, because all we have those elements that with justice Minister and who without great difficulty, we can assimilate in personal discipline to our lives; they are the things that are but important that the money, but much valuable and that to end of accounts it is a gift, that all we have, but that we neglected doing to us of polluting whims, styles, derivatives of frustrations not suitably treated!

Now if, with more fullness I want to continue wishing themMerry Christmas and an Absolute Prosperous Year to all the members of the humanity, that it has exceeded reasons to congratulate themselves and to feel optimistic! Because in Venezuela, they pass things very important for all like species, members of the human sort; on that never the sufficient thing will be insisted... To be better in if same, with same himselfus it makes better! if it is by the fellow, because we can be seen in the fellow, then deserved it is.

The Cosmos, lla him to me God, between another one of its gifts has given two options us important to follow in the way, two only possibilities to regret to us: first before doing it and second after the fact. First definitively it produces much more happiness that second; another one third option, is disabled to exist in the third dimension, plane in which the human beings we understand that we lived and we are a real factIt is so actively and exhaustive destroyed, at any moment and place! that he is difficult to try to think it, I call to a this finite border in the infinite of the universe of thoughts, within which to us, the humans have occurred us by capacity; a point where the thought is disabled to be! and he is then eternal.

Marks J. Creole C.


Benefit of other last paintings presented/displayed in opus domus does clik on the connection:HTTP:// our pagina of the year of elections!

The lesson? That neither the donkeys, nor Marx, nor engels, nor a great one I exercise, or by bidding up,el much to have much money... Nothing saves of the doors of hell when these open on the individuals or groups but God honest the sincere oration invoking to the rescuing unico espiritu santo! then the difference of before feels and of despues and it is possible to be thought about the force that the abyss can exert... Then the Christian
it understands that the Male Marx, Engels, Joists , stars of Five ends and another single infinity of rites to lose the soul serve!

Answers for ex--mormones mormones and

For biblica consultation...

The Sabados you do not forget to watch the USA now well-known Network like UNIVERSAL CHANNEL in cannal 26 Voyager, The Star trek the next generetion!!!

All to the Megaexposición are invited in tribute to the teacher Jesus Grove, where the plastic artist Red Snows is exposing his titled work: The Fall of the Angel, in the museum Jacobo Borges

Caracas, 10 of April of 2005


To the 84 years the Carol brother finalizes a stage (the Pope), it stops in one,  to flow with Christ, to collaborate with the followers of Yahvé, initiating another stage with the same fight with new determination and without the hindrance of that vehicle that with all its particularitities we have by body.  Or all the Presidents and million people of all the nationalities and creeds in physically attending or by television to the important

transition have done... The seed indeed has germinated in fertile land with the appropriate humidity in the deep thing of that alive earth from where at his moment it will move in the shades and to his agents capitalizing of the fear, the ignorance, the hunger and the pseudo masculine that it requires of the type that it disables to understand in depth the true exercise of masculine and moral to him of men like Jesus, Ghandi and the Carol brother! Perhaps dominated by the optics of the great ramera, that prostituta that they in themselves have conjectured distorting realities on the base (cromosomática X).  Sign in common that they share with the féminas and that some parents because of circumstances of extreme poverty in all the senses favor, sublimating with the complicity of equally preconfiguradores surroundings in the error to legitimize to a behavior in the culture form and natural and supreme face of identity. Guilty of not developing the deep understanding of because it became necessary that the Son of God took control of meat and blood, preferring the car to subjugate itself of if same in complicity with the ignorance of its towns. Establishing like criterion the consequent concept of masculinidad and moral that the armament development favors and all its derivatives in the different planes.


It is history in Latin America: part of the culpability of the individuals few are given to the meditation of the expositions of history, they are puppets of its entrails and the nature. That that poorly understands parents and towns, then any rudimento is handle and Christ more a story... Pedro managed to walk a little on waters of the sea before doubting,  jeopardizing the nature to flow and to be when trying to resist its old learning and to see themselves sinking and distressed to ask aid Jesus. It did not happen to him thus to Ghandi! Who would not be arranged to that the trenches done of corpses were an

option to defend the life and the mother country! In Russia the children abound of the street. If it is wanted to help without jeopardizing the nature of the objectives that to the end will express clearly jeopardizing or no, the conditions of humanity and development reached like individuals and society, the trustworthiness in our own criteria its credibility!


There are a great responsibility in the leaders who jeopardize their existence and those of others in reason to its own limitations not sufficiently reasoned. It had been an error that Pedro invited to the rest of the disciples to suffocate?


If a easier solution exists one more it must be the one that legitimizes like consequence the life.    Between a fellow and another one there are souls that work by The Pace, tendency the builder. If both fellows doubt their destruction to it it is a natural fact. Circumstances thus, every day they lack sustenation, to establish a world to pluripolar as objective is to increase the abuse.

The correct reading of the tendencies, if these have taken place, they express to a humanity oriented towards only a pole: the Christianity or reasonings of similar contents. The religion, the individual entiéndase flows congruente,  conscientious of the deficiencies, its interactions and consequences. And this became patent in these days with the death of the Pope. If this is understood and it is ***reflxed mng correctly, then there will be no ambiguities that the mystic by itself responds settling down integrity in any language,  creed or nation! Unequivocally the good will, meritos of minds jeopardize with excellent examples universally recognized nowadays by all without contradictions forged in intimo of the eternal fiber by their presence in all the times of the spirit and if, then the stones and the elements by themselves will attend the defense of our points of view.


That they  spend a pretty Sunday and these words they serve to nourish more better and deserved justice of the spirits who find it opportune legacy of the Carol brother is not other that the legacy of Jesus by which its life inspired well, this brother Pope.




Marcos Criollo C.

Director and publisher of the Opus Domus

the electronic newspaper of Venezuela for everybody!

Publishing Director Marks J. Criollo C.

The Sabados you do not forget to watch the USA now well-known Network like UNIVERSAL CHANNEL in cannal 26 the Voyager, The Star trek the next generetion!

http://www.naciones united in several languages!

Caracas 7 of January of the 2005


Thanks dear Saramago, the one is an honor that you me have made deserving, I hope that their friends of the Nobel prize are sincere also with me...

We want to thank for the queen of England, to president Chirac  of France, salary ordered two dozens of retorts of personal flatteries of president Chávez, who, ordered for his protocolic  flatteries in his visit of the year 2001 a Europe and the Middle East; and that you (  the reader) can admire entering our connection to ObsequiArte!   The princes and kings of Saudi Arabia, can now, to ask for our special financing to have those corners with gold 24 carats that need already, a cariñito! (Gentlemen of the Nobel prize, I know that they know that truth is a joke)


Very intuitive! It is good for knowing that there are many reasons to have hopes! I congratulate to them please and felicítense! To show its scientific curiosity! It was a question that had gotten depressed to me if this had not been formulated by Venezuelan some! If, What relation exists between the Divinity

supposed and the occurred events? What sense has?


In that I have occupied my days! Observing variadísimas realities, his varied scenes; I have not found better way to stimulate my brain, to that escupa and explains to me

and because of the answers and its  relation with the Divine thing....

I have seen forced to take brilliant, those (the Diamond is to forever...) not yellow that makes artificial and virtually Russians and now group in the United States and commercialize to good price, for that they do not know the quality diamonds that Go Deer, has years extracting of the mines in Africa and that soon Belgian and Dutch in Amberes, facetean extraordinarily. I took my own brilliant from 20.5 Quilates finding that the light indeed manages to stimulate my superior I or but humble?

Until the point that God, the Divine thing can appreciate single a little to me....

I trimmed of the New Yorker the diamond and with plastic tail I stuck it in the ceiling, just where it can observe it! These days my wife has understood that I need a little but attention

and she has put me a moored necklace to one of the legs of the bed while it dedicates itself to the painting! Trying to imagine to me like doing so that an ace, of sun light reproyecte in the brilliant and this is affected somewhere within which there is in my room. I had the shining idea to place a mirror so that when orbiting the Earth, rallo of sun of the mirror struck the beautiful brilliant, hoping that the event will occur and indicated to me in as of the objects and books of my room, had to initiate my search to be able to respond my very respected readers....

(It is an ideal stone to explain the multiplicity of realities and as all of some or another way comprises of a same everything); as it works not to understand, with yes understood, understood means, with that (that now yes it is truth that does not understand anything) the physics, astronomy, the religion, the mathematical one of Pitágoras to the one of Eistein, as one is satisfied or one takes control of what it is to the eyes  impossible to see or if is wanted to our minds to understand,  to give some sense him that ennoblezca ours sub produced intelligence with its consequent sub produced answers. Léalo and perhaps who knows....? You him find the sense, this I extracted it of the Bible, the psalm  that says (for the happiness of many atheists and skeptics, for its deep baggage but mainly for its happiness, with its excelsos gifts of wisdom) like also many Christians to respond itself, not paradoxical it, but the content of this psalm in relation to many events by all and but or except some observed, on the permanent scrutiny of the humanity, on its principle for the aim, or to prolong the species!

For these last years for its own testimonies for which they resisted and they have resisted in his religious beliefs!

For Saramago, that will be able to reiterate what Vicente Rangel in that pleasing interview explained to Jose.

The Psalm (71) says thus..... Very important when it reads this (it returns it to read), please proves with something of music of Jamiroquai!!!??? or with that it creates him can better stimulate the root, the nerve of that brilliance that usually is become sleepy....esto to do a long time until the ace, of light reveals the question to me!!!... Also we recommended to them that they look for down in the segment but where the Enterprise shoots vortice! and it reads at great length. The Psalm 71 a continuation says thus.... (and that I want to dedicate to all my ancestros cousins the very special Keniatropos beloveds and sentimentally!

(the friends of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC IN THEIR 3 YEARS IN LATIN AMERICA LIKE CHANNEL and ALL THOSE THAT I HAVE MEMORY IN ITS MAGAZINES OF ALWAYS and FOR JOVENES ( WORLD receive a very special greeting At the beginning of THE DECADA OF THE EIGHTY) Always extensive greetings to Discovery, TLC, BBC, History Channel, A&E, Bill Gates and other so many benefactors who I correctly do not have its respective names at the hand. They do not let enter our connection... (Culto to the Animals). Also a very special greeting of gratefulness to President Hugo Chávez Fri'as President of the Bolivariana Republic of Venezuela for that without its main fundamentally beneficient contribution, had not been possible that the present generations can inventory their beliefs, check and revitalize their FÈ, to consolidate them consustanciadas as they are with the facts! being able to evaluate and to consider the concerning, direct details restrospectivamente like indirect! Now yes, I invite to them to read the Psalm 71 a continuation and says thus... to respond to the fortunate Venezuelan readers of those who I got to think that they only were rich poor men! greetings to the priest of good the Bombolones Program in special of Christmas of the Channel (8) with the ARPA and the all others (Beautiful)!

In you, oh Jehovah, I have taken refuge.
Oh, never is I shamed.
In your justice you want to free to me and to provide escape to me.
It inclines towards my your ear, and sálvame.
It gets to be for my a rock fort in which to enter constantly.
You must give mandate to save to me, because You are my rocky crag and my fortress.
Oh God mine, provéeme escapes of the hand of inicuo, the palm of the hand of which it builds unjust and opresivamente.
Because You are my hope, oh Mr. Soberano Jehovah, my confidence from my youth.
In you I have maintained myself from the belly; You are That that came off to me until  the entrails of my mother.
In Tí  it is my praise constantly.
I have gotten to be exactly like miracle for many people; but you are my fort refuge.
Full it is my mouth of your praise; all the day, of your hermosura.
You do not reject to me in the time of the oldness; exactly when my power is failing, you do not leave me.
Because my enemies are this respect to me, and the very same ones who

watch in delay of my soul jointly advice have occurred, saying: "same
God has left it. It persecutes and pr鮤elo, because there is no
liberator." Oh God, you do not stay far from my. Oh God mio, truely
goes hurried in my aid. That they are shamed, that finishes, those
that are resisting to my soul. That oprobio and humiliation are
covered with those that walk looking for calamity for my. But as far
as me, I will hope constantly, and certainly I will add all to your
praise. My own mouth will emphasize your justice; all the day, your
salvation, because I have not gotten to know to the amounts [ of them
]. I will come in magnificent power, oh Mr. Soberano Jehovah; I will
mention your justice, the yours single one. Oh God, You have taught to
me from my youth in ahead, and until the oldness and greyness, oh God,
you do not leave me, until she informs about your arm to the
generation; to all those that are to come, about your power. You
justice, oh God, reach to the height; in which it touches to the great
things that You have done, oh God, who is like you? Because you have
made see many anguishes and calamities me, you want to return to make
me revivir; and of the watery depths of the Earth you want to return
to make raise me. Want to increase my greatness, and you want to
surround [ and ] to me to console to me. I also, I will praise to you
with an instrument of those of cords, as far as your attachment to the
truth, oh God mine. I will celebrate to you with melod� yes with
the ARPA, oh Santo of Israel. My lips will joyfully cry out when it
feels to me inclined to celebrarte with melod� even my soul that T? have redeemed. Tambi讬 my own language, all d졬 proferirࠩn
voice lowers your justice, because they have been shamed, because they
have been run, those that walk looking for calamity for my.

Caracas 30 of December 2004
The Opus Domus among other activities is concentrated in the
archaeological and anthropological investigation, this to consider
that these disciplines make possible the elucidation of some
phenomena, their presences like absences, to detect constants and
interactions, to verify the relation of "old" events with modern
phenomena, its consistencies and variants; with the objective to
establish and to define its leading ones, revalidando or giving by
finished its relevance in the present and for the future!
The Hebrews like other towns speculated with the numbers, Pit᧯ras
said: "All this fixing according to the number". We asked for the
Hebrew friends who can respond to us via email If number nine (9)
continues having the same meaning of before (symbol of the truth).
It could some of you respond to us If the same one worked as an
affirmative seal species of verification of contents in general and
more direct relation to the cotidianidad (of common use)? like also
responding to us If the use of the same one sometimes responded or had
relation with some class of ritual? Sometimes it had meaning with or
related to limite?Agradecemos all the information that can contribute
to us on the matter.
We saluted to him and are our desires like those of any other to that
you they obtain La Paz and the concord with its Palestinian brothers
and I take advantage of, also to ask to them consider you children of
Abraham? Consider you who the Arabs also are children of Abraham?
We hoped that they put all his will in obtaining La Paz for his
children, like the children of its brothers! And he is thus where he
exists fight, neighbors or no!
Being able all to dedicate itself to prosper and concord peacefully!
Happy New Year for all, Hebrew, Arab or no!
For the next prepᲥnse year we even have a list of mysteries and
extremely present "old" coincidences like, very present without no
explanation within the planet like a level of borders between the
stratosphere and the atmosphere or vice versa! maintain its mailboxes
of mail clean because single once we will send it massively
They do not let send its suggestions and excuse to us if we
took in responding to them.
Remember that the Opus Domus l